Full Year Courses
(*Recommended Foundational Pillar Class)
This course is unique to The Pillar Foundation and a must for every American student. It will lay a solid foundation for a consistent Christian worldview in all academic disciplines as well as promote our Christian civic responsibility as American citizens. WVF will examine the essentials of absolute truth, the reliability of the Scriptures, origins, purpose, and other theological and philosophical roots that are necessary for a Biblical worldview. The Christian worldview will be compared and contrasted with other worldviews prevalent in American culture today (Marxism/Socialism, Secular Humanism, Islam, New Spirituality, and Postmodernism) as expressed in law and government, science and education, and the arts and media. This course will sharpen critical evaluation skills as well as promote the expression of individual Christian self-government in the home, church, civil arena, and society.
(*Recommended Foundational Pillar Class)
This course is a continuation and application of Worldview Foundations. The men of the Hebrew tribe of Issachar understood the times and knew what Israel should do (1 Chronicles 12:32). There are many worldviews with a foothold in American culture and some are on an explosive collision course for control. Understanding the Times will examine contemporary issues and the historical and worldview perspectives that create and affect them -- Christianity, Marxism, humanism, progressivism, and militarist Islam. In the light of the Biblical Christian worldview, participants will learn to recognize, research, analyze, understand, and proactively respond to the issues of our day. UTT will culminate in a collaborative group project for public presentation. PREREQUISITE: Worldview Foundations or approval from the instructor
(*Recommended Foundational Pillar Class)
This course is unique to The Pillar Foundation and a must for every American student. Every American Christian needs to know the true nature and extent of America's Christian heritage. We are commanded in Scripture to remember the great things the Lord our God has done. "In God We Trust," though not always official, has always been America's motto. Participants will study the heritage of our nation as one wrought in the struggle to find and defend truth, liberty, and justice. Tracing the development of civil liberty through the Reformation and its subsequent establishment and development in America, we will see the providential hand of God in our history, the spiritual roots of our liberty, as well as the duty to understand, appreciate, and defend it. This course will continue to trace America's decline through the 20th and into the 21st Century--exchanging exceptionalism for pragmatism, republicanism for progressivism, and theism for humanism in its many forms. The restoration of America begins with knowing our providential history and heritage, and praying for spiritual awakening.
As a continuation of Algebra 1, Algebra 2 will review solving simple linear equations and simultaneous equations and graphing linear and simple quadratic equations. In addition, we will solve proportions, graph quadratic and exponential equations, simplify radicals, and solve radical equations. Also addressed will be negative exponents and some geometric functions like angles, perimeters and proportional segments. PREREQUISITE: Algebra 1
This course will combine instruction and interactive assignments to help students gain a deeper understanding of the earth's natural systems and the relationships between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Topics covered will include the earth's energy balance, weather and climate, rocks and minerals, soils, weathering and landforms, ecosystems, and map reading. In addition to covering basic scientific principles that require logical reasoning and the evaluation of cause and effect relationships, the material presented in the course is relevant to the student's everyday experience as a steward of God's creation.
This year-long course in American Sign Language (ASL) introduces students to the language and culture of Deaf people in the United States and Canada. This course will focus on expressive and receptive language skills along with Deaf culture, community, literature, and history. In order to demonstrate ability in signing skills, class participants will be asked to record videos of themselves signing to submit to the instructor for evaluation and feedback. Participants should expect 10 to 15 minutes of daily practice of vocabulary, grammar and fingerspelling in addition to weekly assigned homework. Internet access will be needed for the completion of many homework assignments. Class participants will be assessed each class period on expressive and receptive language and participation in group activities and discussions. This is a good class for those who are interested in studying sign language as a foreign language, want to be involved in ministry to the deaf in their church or community, or just want to learn something new.
This course is for those who don't have time to take full Greek, but would like a Greek primer. Using syntax and grammar rules together with modern Greek interlinear references, class participants will become familiar with the tools to translate the original New Testament language without the memorization of Greek vocabulary. By the end of the year, we will have translated the epistle of I John, and participants will have a reference notebook to use for years to come. ADULTS ARE WELCOME!
Take 3 Christian Theater's goal is to educate, edify, and entertain to the glory of God by preparing a Christmas outreach show and a large musical theater production in March of 2021. To "register" for Musical Theater means to sign up for an audition for Take 3's 2020-21 company. There is a limited amount of audition slots and a limited number of company members accepted. Not all who audition will be in the company. Rehearsals will be uniquely structured according to the production's needs; the fall rehearsals (2-5pm) will include production preparation as well as general theatrical training. Rehearsal times will be extended in the weeks leading up to the production (spring semester 2-5pm and Fridays 2-5pm). The production week will require attendance at dress rehearsals each night prior to the opening show. Rehearsals will conclude at the end of the spring production. Production expenses will be shared by the families of the participating company members enrolled (anticipated fees are $175 - $200 per cast member). Please note: We do not accept high school graduates, but 13-year-old 8th graders may audition for a provisional consideration. For more information visit Take3christiantheater.com.
Pre-Algebra is a standard 8th grade math course or honors 7th grade course. It will cover positive and negative integers, absolute values, graphing on the coordinate plane, solving multi-step equations with variables, writing equations for word problems, ratios and proportions, percents, linear functions, powers and exponents, right triangles, Pythagorean theorem, distance formula, and pre-algebra applications in basic geometry. If there is time, we will cover probability and statistics. Four (4) lessons will be taught each class. Homework will be required for each lesson, and parents will be required to grade it with a supplied answer sheet. Calculators will be utilized, but basic arithmetic skills are assumed and required. Our textbook is Bob Jones Pre-Algebra Second Edition.
A typical Algebra 1 class is 8th grade or higher. Using Saxon Algebra 1 (3rd edition) textbook, we will cover signed numbers, order of operations, algebraic expressions, areas, surface area, volume, exponents and roots, fractional parts of numbers, ratios, graphs of linear equations, finite and infinite sets, factoring, probability and scientific notation. Four lessons will be taught each class period, and students are required to complete given assignments at home and bring them to class. PREREQUISITE: Completion of Pre-Algebra, knowledge of all addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts up to 12s, and the ability to multiply/divide multi-digit and decimal numbers along with a basic understanding of fractions.
First Semester Courses
Did you know there are about 25 genealogies listed in the Bible? The first one is in Genesis chapter 5, and they continue throughout the rest of the Bible. God wanted His people to know who had gone before them and to be reminded of His hand of protection and provision over them. Almost all of us know both our parents. Most of us know at least one of our four grandparents. Some of us may even have memories of our eight great grandparents, but who were the 32 people who were the grandparents of our grandparents? From where did they come? What did they do? Who and what shaped them and made them who they were? What, if anything, can we learn from our family’s past? Would history be more interesting if you knew you had a family member fighting in World War I or traveling with Daniel Boone to start a settlement in Kentucky? What if you had family at Plymouth, MA for the “first Thanksgiving”? Would that make you take a second look at who was on the Mayflower and the compact they established? Learn about finding census records, death certificates, military and other records to discover the family tree God created for you. Hopefully, you will discover more than just random names and dates, but also some amazing stories along the way! Internet capable device required in class (preferably a laptop or tablet).
In this 10-week course, we will learn and practice some of the most important skills (and attitudes) that lead to greater personal effectiveness. In other words, we will increase your ability to reach your goals and influence people. Topics include: the importance of affirming others; specific affirmation techniques; conversation skills; active listening; non-verbal communication; conflict resolution; taking initiative; time management and positive attitude. The final class will focus on applying these skills to a job interview.
This course will focus on the interpretation and application of classic Lamplighter literature. Utilizing 3-4 books during the semester, class participants will read and discuss these creative, 19th Century stories woven with Biblical truths that cultivate Christlike character in attitudes, self-image, and relationships. Participants will evaluate character strengths and weaknesses, handling adversity and challenges, and discerning good and evil, truth and justice, and personal priorities. Everyone will also participate in weekly discussion, take comprehension quizzes, and will be encouraged to apply in their own lives the Christian virtues modeled in each story. The books used will be different than those studied during the second semester.
This 9-week beginner class focuses on the basics of sewing, covering: how to begin sewing on your own; learning how to use your sewing machine; and learning to read and follow a pattern. We will complete simple, in-class projects to learn basic skills. Class participants are required to bring their own working sewing machine and basic sewing supplies and cover the cost of their fabrics.
An in-depth book study and question-guided discussion class through two excellent books: Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris, and The Third Alternative by Bill Burtness. This study will help students recognize their unique potential for excellence and impact in a culture that underrates teenagers, and will emphasize the value of embracing responsibility and developing Christian self-government. Through open discussion, class participants will uncover their own personal strengths and convictions, as well as confront areas of compromise, disorder, and fear. We will also look at ways to develop character, direction, and a principle-based life in an unprincipled society.
This weekly one-hour course will familiarize students with basic automotive operating systems, use of the owner's manual, routine maintenance procedures, and recommended tools for the garage at home. Learning to check fluids and filters, interpret dashboard warning lights, change bulbs and fuses, change the oil, jump start a battery, and change a tire will help equip students to keep their car safe and reliable, and make informed decisions regarding any professional service and/or repairs.
An important component of a college prep home education is to develop effective study skills. This class will provide practical how-to information and exercises which will help equip students to be successful in their post high school educational choices. Class participants will learn many study skills including: classroom etiquette, time management and organization, listening and note-taking, how to use textbooks, writing skills, memorization strategies, and quiz, test, and long-term project preparation strategies. Many of these skills when implemented will not only help students academically and spiritually, but they will help students to become confident and productive in their future personal and professional lives. Semester grades will be provided based on application-related homework and test scores earned. Minimum age 14 by September 1 and a high school student - NO exceptions.
Second Semester Courses
This is a survey course taught by members of the Missouri Association for Creation. From a Biblical worldview, Genesis 101 will examine the creation vs. evolution controversy from the authority of the Word of God. It will address a young earth, the worldwide flood of Noah's day, animal "evolution," fossil evidence, dinosaurs, races and genetics, as well as a Biblically consistent and coherent view of other related sciences. This course will equip the student with a basic Christian apologetic for our origins, an understanding of how to evaluate scientific evidence, and a deeper commitment to the authority of Scripture from the very first verse.
This course will lead class participants into a study of the U.S. Constitution and the principles and patterns of American government. We will discover the tapestry of American exceptionalism woven by the framers and superintended by the hand of Divine Providence. Based on Rick Green's and David Barton's fast-paced video curriculum, Constitution Alive!, participants will also read founding-era primary documents (i.e. Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, etc.) as well as other supporting historical documentation. We will examine the principles of liberty, their source, and the personal and political process by which our liberty is maintained. This course will require weekly class discussion and assignments, quizzes, and tests. This course will equip participants to understand and articulate our God-given rights and responsibilities, our civic duty, and the Godly principles which sustain and protect them.
This course will focus on the interpretation and application of classic Lamplighter literature. Utilizing 3-4 books during the semester, class participants will read and discuss these creative, 19th Century stories woven with Biblical truths that cultivate Christlike character in attitudes, self-image, and relationships. Participants will evaluate character strengths and weaknesses, handling adversity and challenges, and discerning good and evil, truth and justice, and personal priorities. Everyone will also participate in weekly discussion, take comprehension quizzes, and will be encouraged to apply in their own lives the Christian virtues modeled in each story. The books used will be different than those studied during the first semester.
This course will explore the definitions, philosophies, principles, applications and functions of management. The takeaway will be how management can be used in everyday life. Topics of application will be resume preparation, budgets (departmental & personal), and job interviewing.
True Leadership is essential for the family, the church, and the civil government to operate properly. In this class, we will examine Biblical principles of leadership through assigned reading, homework questions, biographies, and guided discussion using two excellent books: Be the Leader You were Meant to Be by LeRoy Eims, and Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders.
Based on the popular documentary movie Monumental by Kirk Cameron, this class will study the enduring principles of our Pilgrim and Founding Fathers, which led to the intentional creation of the freest, most prosperous nation on Earth. Class participants will discuss short video lessons hosted by actor Kirk Cameron and historian Stephen McDowell as well as be guided through an informative study guide/text to discover the seed of liberty in Old World history, liberty's growth in English and American History, and the seeds of destruction that threaten our liberty today. Participants will gain a new understanding and appreciation for American civics and culture.
An important component of a college prep home education is to develop social skills that promote confidence, character, and leadership while glorifying God. The Etiquette class will be an interactive and participatory classroom where principles and the practical application of etiquette will be presented, discussed and practiced. Class participants are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones to practice and further develop their etiquette skills to help others to feel comfortable and valued, all the while not compromising their own moral beliefs. During this semester course, we will learn many skills including: warm introductions, the art of conversation - including listening skills and body language, written correspondence, technology etiquette - including social media and cell phone use, etiquette of a gentleman/lady, illness and disability etiquette, scholarship and job interviewing, work manners, citizenship, community manners, dance etiquette, personal presentation, hospitality, and dining etiquette. There will be a casual luncheon and a semi-formal dinner (cost $50) which all participants are required to attend. This must be paid by December 10, 2020. (Make checks payable to The Pillar Foundation and deliver or mail to the Pillar at 15820 Clayton Rd., Ellisville, MO 63011.) Homework: There are required assignments outside of class to enhance the student's learning experience - not many and nothing difficult. For some weeks, no homework will be assigned. Auditing the class is not an option.